Affordable Tympanoplasty Surgery

Tympanoplasty is the surgical operation performed to reconstruct hearing mechanism of middle ear

Things you must know about Tympanoplasty Surgery


It is done to improve hearing and prevent water from getting into the middle ear. Kids can get a hole in an eardrum from: infections that cause the eardrum to burst.


Tympanoplasty is the surgical procedure performed to repair a perforated tympanic membrane, with/without reconstruction of the ossicles, with the aim of preventing reinfection and restoring hearing ability. Microscopic and endoscopic approaches are utilized for tympanoplasty.

Post Surgery Care

  1. Maintain a clean environment,
  2. provide wound care
  3. Oral Medicines
  4. As suggested by the Doctors

Explore Easiest Tympanoplasty Surgery Experience !

Why SOW Life is best Tympanoplasty surgery provider ?

We own Multiple Hospitals with Experienced Team of Doctors.

We have infrastructure to manage various surgeries.

We have infrastructure to manage various surgeries.

We have infrastructure to manage various surgeries.

We have transport facilities for support.

We have discounted Medicine, X-ray, Sonography, CT-MRI and Pathology services.

We have discounted Medicine, X-ray, Sonography, CT-MRI and Pathology services.

We have discounted Medicine, X-ray, Sonography, CT-MRI and Pathology services.